Thank you for the donations of materials and equipment that has enabled us to set up a dental training facility In the University of Puthisastra in Cambodia, this will support and enable the countries first ever official training facility and dental technology qualification.

Thank you for materials and equipment that is, at this very moment, waiting to be shipped out to Uganda, it will be used to set up a dental laboratory in the Destiny Medical centre that will serve the local community, local orphanage, the people that work there and their families.

We hope that very soon we will be able to offer volunteering trips to both of these places, to enable you, as incredibly skilled and knowledgeable technicians, to share some of your amazing knowledge with these new technicians and give them the knowledge and support they need to become the countries technicians of the future. To enable them to serve their local communities, to earn a decent living and to leave a lasting legacy of skills and knowledge in that country.

Thank you also for giving up your time, skills and resources in your very own labs to help make dentures for free for both our veterans and the homeless in the UK, you have helped to restore their ability to eat and drink a healthy diet, you have helped to restore their dignity, their smiles and have given them the chance to look and feel normal again, to know that they are valued and cared for when they need it the most.

Thank you to those of you who have sponsored us, ran fundraising events for us and have gone the extra mile for us.

Thank you to all the wonderful dental companies that have shown their support, who have sent us materials that would have otherwise have been thrown away, that have donated new equipment and materials to our causes, that have supported us by running CPD events and passing on the funds raised, the reps that spread the word for us to the labs that they visit, the event organisers that offer us a stand, publicity & hospitality, and of course, the dental technician magazine and Dental Technicians Great Britain Facebook group who offer year round support.

There is no price that can be put on what you have done for our charity and the people we serve and no thanks great enough, but please just know, that without you, without the support and generosity of you, all none of this would be possible.

So, on behalf of the Den-Tech board of trustees we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

If you have not yet got involved and wish to volunteer, make a donation or ask a question please scan the QR code for our contact details and get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

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