During the period I ran the laboratory in Belfast, I often found the necessity to use different types of materials. Those in my opinion most suitable for the particuar restoration. Always looking for the best functional and aesthetic balance possible.
The case, presented below, is the perfect example of how, when using four quite different types of materials, a harmony can be created with each different material providing the optional result for the case under construction. All coexisting side by side, without compromising aesthetics and function.
As was my normal practice, every case is taken through a detailed analysis of the physiognomy, facial conformity, vertical dimension and the relationship between the two jaws. Only then can the scanning and design be comleted with confidence and harmony with the patients needs.
For the lower restoration an all on four design was chosen (fig.15). Using Zirconia veneered with composite. The maxilla did not have bone in sufficient quantities for Implants do s removable denture was the choice.
Because of this mix of completely different materials, the teeth chosen for the removable prosthesis were individual Zirconia millings made of Zirconium with Composite veneers for aesthetics withour creating the ceramic to ceramic occlusion.
Certainly, this choice created a heavier restortion, so it was imperative the impression be of a very high quality. Following all the protocols the clinician took a very good impression and allowed us to obtain a perfect fit, with very good retentive suction. Thus creating a very stable and problem free prosthesis. Displacement resistant and with the chosen aesthetic result. (Figs. 18, 19, 20)
Regarding the lower rehabilitation (all on four), I adopted the same protocol developed and illustrated in the previous article in September.
I left the composite part to my technical colleague, and he successfully balanced the material differences and created a very good match between the ceramic veneered upper teeth and the composite layerd Zirconia lower.
Like every finalizer, I used some composite stains to mask the difference between the materials and I think I have succeeded.
Constructive criticisms, observations and different points of view are welcome for both the design and the finalisation of the restoration and its material choices.

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