DTGB Facebook Group Going Strong Leave a comment

A very busy month for all involved with the DTGB Facebook Group, so forgive the extent of the contributions for this month.  However the volume of content is no reflection on the challenging and interesting questions posed by those who have chosen to write-in.  Everyday questions which are changed with the digital input. The important thing to realize is we are now required, by law, to be registered and to supply proof, a statement of manufacture with all medical and dental devices made for a patient.  A process worker is not qualified to sign off a dental device as they are considered unqualified unless supervised by a registrant. This applies to all non-registered labour, who may be making devices, such as bleaching trays etc.  Dentists, Nurses, and any other, unqualified and employed individuals, working under the supervision of a recognized and registered professional.


Paul Gerrard’s interesting question, which some comment would be welcome on, may indicate how much you know and how much you understand.  Knowing how to do is not the same as doing.  The registered manufacturer is registered with the MHRA, (at least they should be), on the grounds they have completed the recognized training course and show proof that they have done so. The Legislation is all about protecting the patient by ensuring that only trained and qualified people are engaged in the manufacture of their custom made dental device.  I do think this is a great idea, which all technicians and others working in dental technology in particular, and dentistry, in general can be a part of.

Keep up the interest and the good work.

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