Every 2nd year the IDS dominates the international world of dental exhibitions. Everybody who is anybody with products to introduce or continue to promote will be in Germany for some time in the Week of 12th March 2019. All the American and European big hitters make Cologne their major launch and promotion pad for the world of Dental Trade.
There will be a big push on Digital innovations with all the major players presenting their “complete” answer to your Digital questions. But there will be a huge selection to look at and consider. There will be nearly 1200 laboratory stands alone. Luckily there are always others who come on to the scene with really interesting additions of Materials and Equipment. There will be numerous lectures and demonstrators of the very latest techniques and those chosen to demonstrate or lecture are usually the very best and well worth taking the time to watch and listen. Digital dentistry will probably be the major promotion but it is worth taking the time look at the new materials that now have become part of the future trends in aesthetic and restorative techniques.