The comprehensive product portfolio from Nobel Biocare only features solutions that have been extensively researched and proven to be safe and effective.
This gives you complete confidence that the restorative components and devices you return to your clients, are of the very highest quality.
The Nobel Biocare CAD/CAM Implant Bridge, for example, has demonstrated excellent survival rates of between 93 – 100% after up to 10 years.
High patient satisfaction has also been recorded, with 73 – 91% of patients rating the outcome as excellent or very good in the mandible and 83 – 91.7% reporting the same in the maxilla.
Regarding Nobel Biocare Implant Bars, high survival rates of both implants and restorations have been recorded too (100%), as well as significantly fewer technical and biological complications in comparison with conventional cast frameworks.
All compatible with the popular NobelProcera® 2G scanner, this also ensures a fully integrated workflow for you and you team.
Make sure you offer your clients products you can trust and find out more about the clinically proven innovations from Nobel Biocare.
For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit